Nsight Teleservcies offers text-to-speech services on the IPTV channel guides to provide accessibility options for our customers who are blind or visually impaired.
The audible text-to-speech is currently available only on the Amino 650 Set Top Box. This feature will read the title, channel number and network, and rating as you change the channel or as you scroll over a new selection in the guide. The functionality also speaks the numbers as they are entered into the remote both inside and outside of the guide. The feature audibly states “Exit” as you press exit to leave the guide.
To Enable/Disable:
For more information or to request Nsight Telservices audible text-to-speak device:
Call: 800-826-5215
Email: customercare@nsight.com
Do you need more information on your remote control? Visit our Remote Setup and Troubleshooting page.